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Clubs at FPJS

Extra-curricular activities

At Furze Platt, we offer a large range of extra-curricular activities. These provide pupils with opportunities to develop their skills and broaden their understanding of a subject.

There are clubs covering most subject areas, run during school, before school and after school.

Sports clubs

Sports clubs provide pupils with the chance to not only develop their skills, but also to take part in competitive fixtures with other teams. We try to vary the sport on offer and also try to ensure that all pupils have an opportunity to join the club through the year. Below are a few of the clubs on offer.


The ’main’ football team at Furze Platt Junior School is made up of children from years 5 and 6 and they play in a competitive league against neighbouring schools. Year 3 and 4 pupils also have coaching sessions, with the aim to launch a team to play neighbouring schools this year.


The netball team at FurzePlattJuniorSchool is made up of children from years 5 and 6, but we offer the opportunity for all year groups to take part.

During the summer term we offer the opportunity for our year 3 and 4 children to take part in after school netball sessions.

Summer sports

A full program of summer sports is available in the Summer term; details will be sent home at the end of the Spring term.

Outside agencies

We welcome outside agencies and coaches to help support our extra-curricular sports provision. These currently include; dance, football, fencing, computer programming, sewing, music and Martial arts.
