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Computing at FPJS

At FPJS we value Computing believing it is intrinsic within the curriculum. A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and enhance their world.  Building on their knowledge and understanding of computer science, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.  Computing also ensures that pupils become digitally literate – able to use technology safely in order to express themselves and develop their ideas.  Through their confidence and passion in use of information and communication technology – the children will develop skills and competencies at a level suitable for the future workplace and will be active participants in a digital world.


How we teach Computing at FPJS

We use our Sticky Knowledge to guide our teaching and learning in computing with the aim of developing and building on our learners' confidence and understanding of computational thinking, understanding of using technology in a safe way and building skills at using technology to develop and express ideas.    As part of each lesson and our Solid Six weekly recall, pupils at FPJS continually recap their previous learning to ensure an excellent depth of understanding and value attributed to each learning opportunity.  

Our planned units of work use a combination of skills on desktops and ipads to build pupils' skills in using technology.  We also develop children's knowledge of computational thinking through a variety of hands on equipment, including using Crumbles, Lego Wedo and Microbits.  We also build children's programming skills, using different languages including python.

Digital literacy is built into the computing curriculum alongside other units, and is also reinforced through stand alone lessons, and through planned PSHE content.


FPJS Computing Curriculum
