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School Dinners

The school meal is priced at £2.69 from September 2024

School Meals Service


As part of the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, Furze Platt Junior School is committed to providing highly nutritional school meals. Many of us have pre-conceived ideas about school meals, most of which are taken from our own experiences when we were young. Will we ever forget the spam fritters and pink custard (not together I might add!)? However, times have changed and the catering company selected by the Borough are charged with this very challenging role. Cater Link are very strongly regulated not only by the borough but also by very stringent government guidelines.


It is our intention that school meals should not only be healthy but a fun way of bringing the children together, giving them the opportunity to sit with friends and chat about the day’s events. Learning to sit and eat correctly is an important part of the growing up experience. Your child may well have sampled the "school meal experience" at the Infant School. When your child comes to the Junior School there are some slight changes and I wanted to take this opportunity to clarify what arrangements are in place here at our school.


Those children who opt for a packed lunch will also join the children having school meals in the hall. We would expect a packed lunch to be of good nutritional value. Please do not give your child sweets, chocolate or fizzy drinks.



On line meal ordering

On arrival at our school your child will bring home a letter detailing how to connect to the online school meal ordering service. With the online ordering there will be details on the Scopay system of the meat (not halal) and vegetarian options every day.  You must have credit on the system to order and you must order for your children by midnight the night before as we cannot order meals in the morning.


Full details on how to use the new system are detailed in the following guide. Please click on link to open. Hardcopies are available from the school office if you don't have a printer.

Caterlink use Vesta Merchant Services to process their payments. All payments will go directly to Caterlink and not the school. These payments will go to:


Caterlink Ltd, The Waterfront, 300 Thames Valley Park Drive, Reading, Berks RG6 1PT


Refunds from Caterlink 


For schools using external caterers alongside Tucasi’s SCOPAY, parents are able to request refunds for unused cashless catering funds via SCOPAY. How to do this is attached below.


Free School Meals


Parents/Carers of children who are in receipt of one of the following support payments may be entitled to free school meals for their child.

  • Universal Credit (earnings under £7,400)
  • Income Support (IS)
  • Income-based Jobseekers Allowance (IBJSA)
  • Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
  • Child Tax Credit, and have an annual income, as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs, that does not exceed £16,040, providing they do not also receive Working Tax Credit


A copy of the FSM form can obtained from the school reception or simply downloaded from this site - just click on the link below:

