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FPPF Visions and Value



With the creation of our federation came a new vision for both schools and a set of values.

Our visions and values are at the core of everything we do. They underpin our teaching and learning, and provide an environment which prepares our pupils as confident, happy citizens.


Our SuperPoWeR values

Our staff, governors and children helped choose the three values that all of us wanted to focus on and be part of.


Firstly, we felt that all of our community needed to experience a love for learning or an interest in their lives; helping everyone experience the joy of being immersed in something they like whilst also exploring new and exciting activities and opportunities. Our value of PASSION was decided upon to ensure that we reflect on what we love to do, what ignites that flame and how we can be open to exploring new things.

We all know the importance of understanding our own WELLBEING, how to support ourselves, how to support others and how to recognise signs of wellbeing being negatively affected. The Top Ten most in demand skills for future employment frequently includes, high up on the list, Emotional Intelligence yet this is not directly taught in school curriculums. At FPPF it is because we recognise that children, and adults, only learn effectively if their wellbeing is prioritised and they feel happy and safe. At the end of the day, being emotionally literate with strong wellbeing and resilience will be vital at every new stage of a child’s educational journey and beyond.

Whilst our final value is a value that is part of many schools around the country, there is a very valid reason for that. RESPECT is taught but is also part of an establishments or communities’ ethos and beliefs. At FPPF we respect ourselves, each other, our school, our community and our wider world. We learn how to do this and we celebrate our members of our community that show respect.

Our Vision

Leading the way in the community to provide an outstanding education that prepares all of us with the skills and knowledge that we need to be successful in the next stage of our learning and beyond.

To all be the best that we can be!

Our Values

Passion ~ Well-Being ~ Respect

