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Sports Premium

This page links with our PE Curriculum page, found by clicking on the link below.


We receive PE funding based on number of pupils in school and we use this to provide a fun, varied, challenging and inspirational PE curriculum for our pupils. Our specialist school staff deliver well planned lessons that are pitched at our children's needs. These coaches (not external company coaches but specialist school employed staff) bring a wealth of sporting experiences and ensure that all of our pupils have a good quality PE curriculum delivered consistently.


The impact of the coaching has enabled FPJS top deliver a greater variety sports offered in lessons - from traditional to alternative/inclusive, a PE curriculum time of over 2 hours a week for all classes and tracking of skills and knowledge across the range of PE topics. We also now have the opportunity to offer extra curricular specialist clubs every afternoon which has increased our club uptake. The subject specialist coaching provides demonstrations for our existing staff throughout the year. The ability to watch your own class being coached will lead to a clear sustainability of quality PE delivery in Primary schools and then implementation into staff's own PE teaching.


Our PE curriculum, including the significant investment in equipment and extra curricular opportunities, has had a marked impact on our pupils. FPJS promotes healthy lifestyles and encourages as many pupils as possible to lead active lives. In the recent National Child Measurement Programme, FPJS had 17% of pupils Overweight, compared to 34% nationally and 29% in RBWM. 

We constantly strive to ensure that 100% of our pupils are in a sports club, event or competition through the year. We promote healthy lifestyle choices and benefits of making healthy choices. 

Planned actions and impact can be found in the accompanying PE statement.

Our Intra and Inter schools competition intent

Our intent for competition is aligned with our key federation values. We want our children to participate with passion and confidence whilst representing the school; showing respect to others and the environment around them.

We also encourage our children to follow the Spirit of the Games values: determination, eco-friendly, honesty, passion, respect, self belief, and teamwork to have a positive experience through physical activity.


Year 5 swimming block in the Summer term provided 10 weeks or lessons for all the cohort and assessed the children's progress towards the KS2 expectations.. 

Year 6 final swimming assessments took place in Summer term. 

Catch up sessions for Year 6 pupils (2023-24) that are not confident swimmers will be provided in term 6.

