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Pupil Premium

This document is designed to explain what Pupil Premium is, how we use it support learning and the impact it has on outcomes for our children.


In 2011, the Government introduced Pupil Premium Funding to raise achievement among disadvantaged children.  Pupil Premium Funding is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for free school meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings, the children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months and children whose parents service in the British Armed Forces.  In 2012-2013 eligibility for the Pupil Premium Funding was to be extended to pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years.

These groups of children have been identified nationally as achieving at a lower level than children from other backgrounds.  For example, national figures show that 11 year olds who are eligible for Free School Meals are approximately twice as likely not to achieve the National Expected Standard in Maths and English as other 11 year olds.


Pupil Premium at Furze Platt Junior School 
At FPJS, we are committed to ensuring that ALL our pupils make the best possible progress.  We track the achievement, progress and celebrations of every child on an ongoing basis, through support plans, and do all we can to ensure each child achieves their full potential and that interventions are put into place where necessary.  Every child is given extra support if they need it and the Pupil Premium funding has allowed us to continue and extend this, particularly by increasing targeted intervention support provision and by employing a Family Support Advisor.


Allocation of Pupil Premium Funding 
The grant is to be spent on a variety of initiatives and interventions to ensure that pupils make good academic progress and also to ensure that they develop and become well-rounded, confident and happy individuals.  

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding:

Impact of Pupil Premium Funding:

Evidence of impact of funding is included in our current Pupil Premium Strategy
