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Our federation's vision is for all of our children to have the skills and knowledge that they need to be successful in their next stage of their learning and beyond - to be the best that they can be.

To achieve this vision, we have developed a curriculum around our values, the skills needed in future employment and the National Curriculum- see subject specific information below.


Curriculum Driver Statement


To provide purposeful curriculum experiences that nurture independent learners with a lifelong passion for learning 


Our Curriculum 


At FPJS, we have established a rich, relevant and purposeful educational experience that allows us to develop the whole child and meet the needs and interests of our pupils. Our curriculum provides learning that has local, national and international dimensions.


Our knowledge rich curriculum allows children to build on their learning; progressively acquiring the knowledge and skills needed for the next stage in their education. This means ensuring children are not only confident in reading, writing and maths (subjects which support children in fully accessing the broad curriculum) but exposed to purposeful knowledge in all subject areas. 


‘A well taught knowledge-rich education is potentially the driver for true equality for pupils from different backgrounds. Knowing things, not just recalling the bald facts but deeply understanding them gives pupils confidence. It helps them to discuss a wide range of live topics with their peers, irrespective of their backgrounds.’ Dame Rachel de Souza


‘The accumulated wealth of human knowledge, and what we choose to pass on to the next generation through teaching in our schools (the curriculum), must be at the heart of education.’ 

Amanda Spielman (2018)


Sticky Knowledge


The knowledge that children need can be described as ‘Sticky Knowledge’. Whilst some knowledge is just interesting and fun facts that engage and wow the child, there is also the carefully selected ‘invaluable’ knowledge to be learned across all year groups and in all subjects. This latter form of knowledge is based on the National Curriculum and is planned in a sequential way so that the knowledge moves from a shallow knowledge, at first conception, to a rich and deep knowledge (schema building, alteration of long term memory) by the end of the key stage.

To achieve this at FPJS, we identify the invaluable knowledge for each year group in each subject; ‘what we want children to know’. This then is retrieved through subsequent lessons, topics and opportunities across the key stage to enable retention and also progresses in complexity and understanding as the child progresses through their journey at FPPF. Previous learning is then activated through regular review, including a "Solid Six" weekly review in order to build on when introducing new concepts and topics; building confidence and fluency through deliberate practice.


‘A major issue in learning is the inevitable, predictable and natural process of forgetting. Unless we review what we have learned, our memory of that information diminishes.’ 

Barak Rosenshine




If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact the school office ( who will sign post you to the appropriate member of our team.
