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Welcome to the Furze Platt Primary Federation (FPPF) Governors' section.


The FPPF Governing Body governs Furze Platt Infant & Junior School and comprises of volunteers consisting of elected Parent and staff governors and appointed Community and LEA Governors. FPPF also welcomes associate members to the FGB but associate members cannot vote as part of the FGB or either committee on any matter that needs voting on. We meet once per term, supported by the Clerk of Governors.


We work in partnership with the Executive Headteacher, Heads of Schools and staff to carry out the following:


  • Set strategic direction for the school and contribute to the school’s improvement plan
  • Ensure accountability and monitor and evaluate school performance
  • Support the Executive Head teacher, school leaders and staff to provide an excellent education for all pupils


All Governors have links locally and many of us have direct links with the school as current or past parents. We come from a variety of backgrounds and professions and through our work can often offer the school a different perspective on issues.  We are a committed group who work hard to support the school and the Head Teacher as a “critical friend”.


Each Governor is either a member of the Curriculum (CALM) committee or the Resources committee and may also be responsible to evaluate progress of school development areas though a working party.


Governors are elected /appointed for a 4 year term. Details of all the Governors and their elected/appointed dates can be found below.

If you wish to contact any of the Governors please in the first instance contact the school office or the Executive Head Teacher who will be happy to take your details and arrange for the appropriate Governor to contact you.



Current Governor information


NameRepresentationLink role or area of expertise

Term of office


Term of office


Louise AxfordCo-opted

Chair of Governors

Pay Committee

EHT Appraisal

Resources Committee


1st September 202331st August 2027
Mel WoodAssociateEHT Appraisal1st September 202331st August 2024
Jodie LovegroveClerk Clerk to the GovernorsJanuary 2023 
Helen MastrilliCo-opted

Pupil Premium & LAC


Curriculum and Achievement

1st September 202331st August 2027
Iain ThomasAssociate


1st September 202331st August 2024
Mike WallaceExecutive Headteacher FPPF 1st September 202331st August 2027
Steve RobinsonParent


Chair of Curriculum and Achievement

14th October 202113th October 2025
Craig IrvineParent

Health & Safety

Chair of Resources

EHT Appraisal

14th October 202113th October 2025
Bilyana DonchevaParentEYFS8th November 20227th November 2026
Oliver SheppardLA GovernorPupil Premium and LAC21st November 202220th November 2026
Kelly DeanStaff Governor 18th May 202317th May 2027
Jon CorbittParentResources Committee17th October 202316th October 2027


Meeting Information

FPPF launched September 1st 2019. Any meeting information and Governor attendance information will be uploaded when available
