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Furze Platt Schools Association

The FPSA (Furze Platt Schools Association) is our PTA fundraising team made up of parents and teachers from Furze Platt Infant and Junior Schools. We run a programme of events including the Christmas and Summer Fairs to raise much needed cash for our schools. In 2023 we raised a huge £29k!


If you have any queries or would like to help, please email us at You can also follow us on Facebook: 


Thank you for your support.


Get help from the company you work for…

There are lots of companies in the UK who will help to raise money for schools & charities. This money makes a huge difference to the FPSA. Banks & building societies, IT companies, insurance companies, supermarkets, utilities providers, phone companies and car manufacturers often help. The FPSA is a registered charity. The main ways companies help are:

  • Match funding / match giving - the company donates a sum of money relating to the amount raised by an employee (for example, the employee raises money by manning a stall at the summer fair. In 2018 matched funding brought in £3400!!). Sometimes employers will match £ for £ or they might give a fixed amount.
  • Sponsorship - some companies will sponsor a specific item or event. In return they get free advertising. For example, donating funds, providing food for a BBQ or sponsoring a stall.
  • Donations - some companies will donate prizes for raffles or silent auctions etc.
  • Time off for charitable work - larger companies often offer employees a set number of days off during the working week to take part in charitable activities, in addition to annual leave.



      Other ways that you can help…


      Here are some simple ways you can help raise money for our schools:

      • Join the FPSA team and help organise our events, website and communications!
      • Be responsible for one ongoing project (for example, organising Happy School Bags or 2nd hand uniform sales etc.)
      • Helping with ad hoc, stand alone jobs posted on our Helpful Helper Whatsapp groups
      • Help at school fundraising events
      • Collect unwanted gifts for the tombola, Christmas secrets room or prizes
      • Let us know any good fundraising ideas and help us organise them!


      Help raise money for our schools while you shop!

      Easy2name name tags and labels offer free delivery and 20% off the order value will be paid to our school. Please put the code "FR-FPIS-72" into the discount code section at checkout.

      Website link:

      A medium pack of 40 labels is £12.95 with a small pack of 20 labels is £7.95.


      Support our events! Here is a selection of some of the events we run:

      • Bunny bingo
      • Quiz nights
      • Happy School Bags collections
      • 2nd hand uniform sales
      • Junior sports day refreshments
      • Early Years Busy Learners parent refreshments
      • Junior school disco
      • Summer fair
      • Summer camp
      • Early years tea party
      • Christmas fair
      • Christmas cards
      • Junior school Christmas disco
      • FPSA AGM

      Any idea is a good one and any offer of help or funds buys equipment and experiences for your children.


      If you have any queries or would like to help, please email us at You can also follow us on Facebook: 
