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Interhouse at FPJS

FPJS has always had a strong House system which all pupils and staff are part of. When new children (and staff) start the school they are allocated one of the Houses. We also ensure that siblings and family members are in the same House, no matter how long ago they may have left FPJS smiley.


We have four Houses; Danes, Normans, Romans and Vikings.


Children collect Merit Marks which add up to a House Point. These House Points are collected in weekly and announced in the weekly Achievement assembly. The scores add up through the year to see which House amounts the most House Points over the academic year.


We also have various House Competitions which the House and Vice Captains (Year 6 pupils elected by their Houses for these roles) help organise and run.


They are:

Art, Debating, Writing, Poetry, Spellings, Maths, Quiz, Football, Rugby, Tag Rugby, Rounders, Cross Country and of course - Sports Day!

Every year we look to add to these competitions to ensure that all pupils can represent their House every year in more than one competition. 

